The sea monsters of the Jurassic seas were twice the size of killer whales

Abingdon Pliosaur

An artist’s impression of a pliosaur. Palaeontologists from the University of Portsmouth have found evidence suggesting that pliosaurs, closely related to Leopleurodon, could have reached 14.4 meters in length, twice the size of a killer whale. Credit: Megan Jacobs, University of Portsmouth An Oxfordshire museum has discovered evidence that pliosaurs could have reached 14.4 meters … Read more

A glowing, steamy surprise: NASA’s web takes an even closer look at a mysterious planet

Planet GJ 1214 b

This artist’s concept depicts the planet GJ 1214 b, which is likely a “mini-Neptune” with a vaporous, hazy atmosphere. A new study based on observations from NASA’s Webb Telescope provides insight into these types of planets, which are among the most common in the galaxy. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC)

Watch the moment an astronaut throws a bag of parts into space But space junk is harmless, says NASA

Watch the moment an astronaut throws a bag of parts into space But space junk is harmless, says NASA

Astronauts threw a bag of leftovers into space during last week’s spacewalk. Technically, it’s space junk. But NASA says throwing the bag into space is harmless. The bag does not spend much time in orbit and soon burns up in the Earth’s atmosphere. Loading Something is loading. Thanks for signing up! Access your favorite topics … Read more

SpaceX and startup promise to put world’s first private space station into orbit | CNN

A rendering provided by VAST shows the company's proposed Haven-1 commercial space station.

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory Science Newsletter. Explore the world with fascinating discoveries, scientific breakthroughs and more news. CNN – VAST โ€” a California-based startup and one of the newest entrants into the world of privatized spaceflight โ€” plans to use a SpaceX rocket to launch it. Think shuttle passengers to and from the … Read more

Hubble Telescope Sees Heart of Giant Galaxy Cluster (Photo)

Hubble Telescope Sees Heart of Giant Galaxy Cluster (Photo)

At the heart of this Hubble Space Telescope image lies a giant cluster of galaxies. (Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, H. Ebeling) A new image from the Hubble Space Telescope looks into the lair of Cosmic Leviathan, a gigantic cluster of galaxies nine billion light-years away in the Draco galaxy. Like the sea monster in … Read more

An experiment repeated 3,000 times finds clues to the secrets of evolution

An experiment repeated 3,000 times finds clues to the secrets of evolution

In a laboratory in Atlanta, thousands of yeast cells fight for their lives every day. Those that live another day grow faster, reproduce faster and form larger clumps. For about a decade, cells have evolved to hang on top of each other, forming branching snowflake shapes. These strange snowflakes are at the heart of experiments … Read more

California’s catastrophic three-year drought may have had a surprising trigger

California's catastrophic three-year drought may have had a surprising trigger

Research published Wednesday suggests that the drought and its preceding climate conditions have an unlikely driver: the Australian bushfires of 2019 and 2020. According to the groundbreaking study, massive wildfires thousands of miles away spewed so much smoke that they triggered a chain of events in the atmosphere that eventually cooled the tropical Pacific Ocean … Read more

Entangled quantum circuits further refute Einstein’s concept of local causality

Entangled Quantum Circuits

A partial section of a 30-meter-long quantum connection between two superconducting circuits. The vacuum tube (center) contains a microwave waveguide that is cooled to about -273ยฐC and connects the two quantum circuits. Credit: ETH Zurich / Daniel Winkler A group of researchers led by Andreas Wallraff, professor of solid state physics at ETH Zurich, conducted … Read more

Vast says it will launch its first space station on Falcon 9 in 2025

A rendering of the Crew Dragon spacecraft attached to the Haven-1 space station.

expand / A rendering of the Crew Dragon spacecraft attached to the Haven-1 space station. Wide A private space station company, VAST, announced on Wednesday that it intends to launch a commercial space station by August 2025. After this “Haven-1” space station is deployed in low-Earth orbit, four commercial astronauts will launch to the facility. … Read more