An experiment repeated 3,000 times finds clues to the secrets of evolution

An experiment repeated 3,000 times finds clues to the secrets of evolution

In a laboratory in Atlanta, thousands of yeast cells fight for their lives every day. Those that live another day grow faster, reproduce faster and form larger clumps. For about a decade, cells have evolved to hang on top of each other, forming branching snowflake shapes. These strange snowflakes are at the heart of experiments … Read more

A mysterious object 10 million times brighter than the Sun has been identified. Scientists can’t figure out why it didn’t explode.

A mysterious object 10 million times brighter than the Sun has been identified.  Scientists can't figure out why it didn't explode.

Ultraluminous X-ray sources are objects that shine 10 million times as brightly as the Sun. Scientists say they are too bright to exist because they break the Eddington limit. A new study confirms the brightness of ULX – the mystery of how it exists remains unsolved. Loading Something is loading. Thanks for signing up! Access … Read more